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Fit for Free!

If you're not in the fitness industry you may not pick up on this but in a week or two you're going to see an increase in gym membership offers creeping around your newsfeeds and social media pages.

It happens for a few reasons:

Firstly, it's because the Scottish school holidays are drawing to a close. This means that many parents routines will change slightly as their kids change their schools/hours in August and they may choose to fill time changes with more exercise.

Secondly, gyms know if they inspire you now you'll keep the membership going at least until they can reignite your passion for exercise in January.

Thirdly, in Scotland we'll have possibly seen the best of this year's weather by now and regular outside exercisers will be trying to maintain the gains they've made outside by moving their sessions inside.

(Students - you'll get your offers in Sept so hold out for the student /Uni deals.)

What does this mean for you?


Yes, while they're all vying for your hard earned bunce they're eager for you to come in and try out their facilities. Have a look for cheap day passes, trial weeks or classes, bring a friend for free days, free fitness analyses and gym programming, open days and longer term personal training offers. If you judge it right you can become a complete gym tart and book yourself a month of free exercise.

Why go to this effort?

Two weeks ago (Save the date) I discussed the benefits of having a fitness reset date after the summer holidays. I explained how this would allow you to relax over your holidays, secure in the knowledge that you weren't letting your health and fitness routines slip forever and you knew when you'd be getting back to good habits. If you didn't do it then, now is the perfect opportunity to set that date and smash it with loads of fun exercise.


Using your reset date to investigate all the different class types and gym facilities around you is a great way to reinvent your fitness for the coming months and try out lots of group exercise classes from belly dancing to boxing. And you don't even have to be faithful! It could be that a local independent instructor delivers a similar class to the "speedroperiverdanceyogafusionblast" that you tried out in the local mega gym and the local class is just in the next street from you.

Many of my long term clients have a gym membership; they come to me for monthly gym programming and 1:1 sessions to keep their goals on track. It's a great combination as they get the wider facilities (I'm only one person - I can't provide swimming lessons for the kids plus in depth weight management analysis!) and still have that deeper focus on their serious health goals. Quick warning, many gyms now offer monthly memberships with no minimum term but don't assume that's the case and do read the small print.

Why not give yourself a free month of exercise this year and sign up for a load of new gyms? See what they're offering and let me know. Maybe I'll enjoy speedroperiverdanceyogafusionblast, too!

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