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Self Care Series - Part 2 0f 7 - Physical Activity

The benefits of staying active

Historically, we have always understood the need to test our bodies. 2000-2500 years ago, Greek and Roman soldiers consistently trekked for 30+ miles a day, stopping only to construct a makeshift camp before resuming their march the following morning. In the heyday of the Mongolian Empire around 1300AD, a single messenger could ride for 250 miles per day, albeit on a string of horses, to deliver vital information anywhere from the South China Sea in the east to the Black Sea in the west. Today, Tour de France cyclists will complete more than 2,200 miles in 23 days with just two days of rest. These ‘Gargantuans’ of peak fitness, the true Herculeans among us, have always been capable of tremendous feats of physical strength and endurance but what about the rest of us? How would you compare to a Spartan warrior? So, what is fitness?

Although elements of each overlap, it’s broadly considered to consist of 5 main categories:

  • Flexibility

  • Co-ordination

  • Balance

  • Muscular Strength and Endurance

  • Cardiovascular Strength and Endurance

You can see above where these building blocks fit in but today we'll focus mainly on Cardiovascular strength and endurance (CSE) because the ability of our heart and lungs to re-oxygenate and circulate blood impacts our ability to do everything. Constant, low or high impact movement helps maintain the strength of the heart muscle. The strength of each heart pump helps clear the artery walls to deliver the nutrients and oxygen our bodies need to function. It’s the most basic building block of fitness and the one that’s most accessible to us all. Walking, cycling (indoors or out), arm and/or leg ergometers, elliptical, rowing or ski-ergometer machines all create rhythmic, repetitive movements designed to improve CSE and you can probably fit a session in today.

By improving your puff and pant you'll reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke but that's not all. The knock-on effects of these repetitive, low impact activities like walking or cycling include elevated mood, stronger bones, less painful joints, and reduced risk of osteoarthritis and back pain. In addition, taking regular exercise can assist with weight management which is paramount in managing conditions such as diabetes.

While we may no longer have the need to cross the Gobi desert on horseback, our lives will yet be easier, less painful and more comfortable if we can maintain a reasonable level of fitness.

To help you celebrate an increase in your activity, CLICK HERE to download a pdf of exercise trackers to help. You'll find templates of:

  • exercise diaries

  • step count trackers

  • healthy habits trackers

  • 30 day challenge trackers

  • monthly activity planners

What will your activity goal be for the next month? Can I help?


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