Are you ready to commit?

If you subscribed to this newsletter in the last month you'll have received the free ebook about the 5 great tests you should take for better health. If you're a long term reader you may have already read about them so my question to you all is...
Did you actually get round to doing them?
Today your task is to select one of these tests and commit to finding out your base level. You can choose from checking your body mass index, body fat, blood pressure, waist-hip ratio and Vo2 max. To make it easier, here is the link to the ebook with all the information you need to get started.
If you've already completed these tests then choose the one you find hardest to manage and take a January reading.
You can share which test you chose (and even your result) by using the hashtag #makingchangestick or joining the Making Change Stick facebook group. Get involved!