The first flurries of snow have appeared on the horizon which means we're heading closer to ski season!
Some of you may have holidays booked, others may be hoping for a Glenshee Pass in your Christmas Stocking. One thing that we all want, regardless of whether we ski or not, is the great strong legs that come with ski training.

If you've never skied you won't appreciate the tremendous strength and endurance required , or the great shape your legs will end up in afterwards. Is there anything more satisfying than the post ski thigh burn? It's great to know that you've had an exhilarating day plus oodles of quality muscle toning.
Regardless of whether you're salopetted and booted or just want the ski train toning effects, have a look at this quick and simple ski strengthening programme. It'll prepare you for brisk winter walks, Christmas Ceilidhs or the slopes in equal measure. (It's not really about vanity but Gents, your legs will look amazing in kilts, too!)
Remember, if you'd rather have bespoke training for skiing, ask me 4-6 weeks minimum before your holiday date. If you're off in January then establish your programme before Christmas and not in a post Holiday fug of mince pies and sherry fumes. Contact me today to get your training needs sorted early.
Enjoy the snow and Enjoy Good Health!