Are you getting enough?
Okay, so you're constantly being told to do more exercise but what does this mean? Should you be slogging it out at the gym every day or just getting up to make another cup of tea? I've made a handy guide to how much we should be doing. If you'd rather save it to your device, here's the link.
Here are a few bare minimum scenarios to help you put it into practice:
1. A daily constitutional, a 5 minute stretch after work and 2 Pilates, yoga or group exercise sessions each week.
2. 10 minutes of morning Tai Chi, yoga or Pilates, 3 gentle bike rides a week and a couple of active trips to the park with kids.
3. 2-3 gardening sessions per week making sure you stretch afterwards, a weekly Tai Chi class, avoid all stairs, buses or car journeys for shopping where possible.
The more you do, the better for your long term health. Here are some more robust scenarios:
1. Walking, jogging or cycling for an hour 3 times a week plus 2 yoga or Pilates classes.
2. Using the weights section at a gym twice a week, walking for 30 minutes and stretching daily.
3. Joining a gym and attending a variety of classes 5 times per week.
Staying physically fit helps you recover faster from illness, manage your weight more effectively, lift your mood and improve your heart health. You might even grow to like it!
For help achieving your physical fitness goals you can join one of my online classes or book in for a goal setting appointment over Zoom.
Enjoy Good Health!
