Barriers to long term change (and how to overcome them 6)
How a lack of knowledge is a hurdle to better health
To be lacking in specific knowledge is not the same as being stupid.

Barriers to long term change (and how to overcome them 5)
In the most part, family and friends are the best source of help and support when trying to make change. There can be occasions where family

Barriers to long term change (and how to overcome them 3)
Reactive behaviour is where a person will react to their environment or circumstances, often blaming others and acting as a victim.

Barriers to long term change (and how to overcome them 2)
You can recognise a fear of failure in yourself if you only take on tasks you are confident you can already achieve, if you worry about feel

Barriers to long term change (and how to overcome them)
As adults, we often hear these same doubts within our minds and these develop into ready-made excuses for our inaction.